
Charleston DUI Defense Attorneys

Our attorneys handle cases from simple speeding tickets to first-degree murder, DUI, and drug-related crimes. Attorney Merritt Farmer is among few attorneys in the nation certified as instructors in the DUI Detection & Standardized Field Sobriety Testing course recognized by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This is the same course that police officers take in order to make DUI arrests while in the Academy.

As impaired driving laws with regards to substances other than alcohol are becoming more prevalent, our lawyers work to remain ahead of the curve with their education. Mr. Farmer is certified in ARIDE (Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement) to help detect when officers are making calls of reasonable suspicion on the consumption of alcohol or drugs.  The Farmer Law Firm provides the legal assistance you need in many cases, including:

  • DUI Offenses
  • DWI Offenses
  • Drug Offenses

Consequences for DUI Convictions

It is important to be aware that DUI, unlike many other crimes, cannot be expunged from your record unless your case is won or dismissed. A DUI conviction remains on your record for life.

The consequences are many, possibly including:

  • Loss of car insurance or sky-high premiums
  • Loss of job due to the negative impact on a professional license or security clearance; additionally, many military offenders will suffer sanctions within the military in addition to the state penalties such as loss of driving privileges on base, loss of rank, and suspended pay
  • Inability to travel freely outside of the United States
  • Immigration problems
  • Inability to get certain jobs

Farmer Law Firm DUI Legal Counsel

For a field sobriety test to be valid, the police must have administered the test in strict compliance with standardized testing procedures. Our team can review the video and testimonial evidence in the case to determine any defects in the administration of those tests. The officers must have had articulable reasonable suspicion to stop the vehicle prior to asking someone to exit the vehicle and perform these tests. Stop issues are often ripe for litigation in DUI cases.

If a breath or blood test is administered, a skilled DUI attorney should review the circumstances surrounding the administration of the test to determine any errors in procedure and strict compliance with the law including the 4th Amendment. In the event that the test is valid, breath and blood tests are not infallible. At the Farmer Law Firm, our Charleston DUI lawyers remain on the cutting edge of forensic science and have specialized training in gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. We are ready, willing, and able to analyze the raw data from these chemical tests to determine if errors were made.

Being charged with a crime can be incredibly confusing and frightening. This is why you cannot leave the selection of your legal representative to the last minute or chance. Sufficient experience and knowledge in the field are both essential when it comes to getting a favorable outcome. Farmer Law Firm offer a personal touch, understanding, and intimate knowledge of criminal defense procedures during their communication with clients. You can trust our team of DUI attorneys when it comes to your legal representation.

Due to the serious nature of this kind of offense, the mandatory jail time even for a first offense, and the many often unforeseen collateral consequences that may exist depending on your individual circumstances, it is important to consult with the Farmer Law Firm DUI attorneys as soon as possible.



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